Don't You Hate When You Go To Rob A Store And Then It Turns Out You Know The Guy Working The Register?

AOLA would-be thief in Colorado aborted his attempt to rob a convenience store, after recognising the man behind the counter. It’s a strange way for a robbery tale to end – but far stranger things have been responsible for foiling this kind of crime. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s blog reported that the robber burst in wearing a balaclava and declared: “I was going to rob this place but I know you.” He then went on to check whether the cashier knew who he was, and when he said no, the thief gave him a thumbs up and left.

Worst luck of all time. I mean I guess if you’re a scumbag thief you’re bound to have run in the same circles as a bunch of gas station attendants so it’s not too out of the ordinary these two would know each other. But still. Out of all the places to rob, out of all the employees that could have possibly been scheduled at that time, my man ended up trying to rob one of his day ones. So unfortunate. One second you think you’re about to make out like a bandit with $107.63 and a few gas station burritos. The next second you realize you were about to blow your boy’s brains out and have to kick rocks all the way back to your piss-stained apartment. I feel for this man. I truly do. This could have been his big break.

P.S. – If you knew the person you were about to rob, wouldn’t that kind of make it easier? You’d just have to be like “Gas stations get robbed all the time. I know you, I won’t hurt you. Just let me take the money, make it look like you put up a good fight, keep your mouth shut and don’t hit the silent alarm until I’m at least a few blocks away”. Maybe even offer to split it 70/30 or something like that. Seems like a no brainer to me.

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